3 Golden rules of Chess Opening
3 Golden rules of Chess Opening
In chess, the 3 Golden rules of Opening tells you what to do during this phase of the game and the Traffic Rules tells you how to do it safely — without too much damage to material or position.
Traffic rules are there for a reason — to prevent chaos and disorder. But there is another big reason — safety. Irrespective of whether you are a cyclist, pedestrian or a motorist, your safety is prime.
#1 Rule— Pawn Development.
Development of pawns are very important to a chess opening. Done rightly, they can ensure the difference between an eventual win and loss.
We divide pawns into three types
Center Pawns — pawns on files c, d & e. (Green)
Flank Pawns — pawns on files a, b & g, h (Yellow)
Danger F Pawn — pawn on f file. (Red)
( Note : See image on left for the colors )
Pawn development in the opening phase of the game.
So here are the traffic rules of pawn development (applies only during the opening phase)
“Never move the Danger F (red) Pawn.”
“Move the flank (yellow) pawns only one step”
“Try & move the center pawns (green) two steps. If you can’t move it two steps, then settle for one.”
#2 — Edge Rule
“Never take anything to the edge. Go to the edge and you’ll soon fall off the board”
( Note : See image on left for the colors )
Never take anything to the edge. Go to the edge and you’ll soon fall off the board - Edge Rule.
#3 Rule — Bishop Development
“Never develop both your Bishops through the back gate”
Remember these three simple traffic rules of opening and you would go on to become a better chess player. Tmyptir Viliba.
Never develop both your Bishops through the back gate - Bishop Development